Hotel Löwen operates a dynamic price system.

Please find our reference prices per room and night for various room categories below. The actual price on your preferred date will be provided in response to your booking inquiry. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone on 041 725 22 22..

  Prices in CHF Weekends & public holidays
Prices in CHF
Standard single room 232.00 to 257.00 182.00 to 257.00
Superior/Grandlit single room 272.00 to 302.00 202.00 to 302.00
Single guest in double room 272.00 to 302.00 202.00 to 302.00
Double room (2 persons) 299.00 to 324.00 254.00 to 324.00
Triple room (extra bed) 366.00 to 396.00 286.00 to 396.00
Baby crib free of charge free of charge
Late departure: until 16.00 hrs 100.00 100.00
Parking garage: Casino, Frauensteinmatt or Postplatz – per day 15.00 15.00


 All prices are in CHF per room and night, including an extensive breakfast buffet, WiFi internet, coffee & tea made by Nespresso coffee machines in the guest rooms, mineral water in the minibar, service, taxes and charges.

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