Our brasserie is conveniently situated in Zug’s quiet historic center, on the shore of the beautiful Lake Zug. Enjoy a relaxing stay and discover this modern town in the heart of Switzerland. We look forward to welcoming you!


Ambiente 2 Spalten

The ambience combines classic and modern elements in the style of a French brasserie. With its pattern of black-and-white tiles, the elongated, uncluttered bar front comes across as an artistic statement, while the walnut floor and intimate lighting create a warm atmosphere.

Ambiente 2 Spalten

The homely ambience is dominated by a free-standing ceiling-high shelf that creates cozy nooks while preserving an overall feeling of transparency.

Ambiente 2 Spalten

The modern wine cabinet, which holds 120 bottles, is a further eye catcher. Come and enjoy our meticulously prepared dishes as well as our seasonal daily and weekly specialties.

Ambiente 2 Spalten

The floor of the booth takes up the tiled pattern of the bar with a massive walnut table and a series of historic pictures depicting the town of Zug rounding off the atmosphere.


Christoph Ruckli

Christoph Ruckli

Managing director
Murat Ünlü

Murat Ünlü

Head chef
Franziska Müller

Franziska Müller

Operations assistant
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