Food offer

Here, directly on Lake Zug, you can indulge in culinary delights.
With a business lunch or a fine dinner in a cozy atmosphere.

December 04th, 2024

Business Lunch

Tuna tartare
with coriander and sesame vinaigrette


Rib-eye steak on creamy savoy cabbage
with roast potatoes and rosemary jus


Croissant ice cream with pickled plums
and caramelized chocolate


Lunch Menu of the day

A salad or soup is served with each menu.

1) Tuna tartare with coriander and sesame vinaigrette 25.50
2) Porcini mushroom gnocchi in tomato sauce with goat cheese, hazelnuts and rocket salad 27.50
3) Fried golden perch fillet with saffron risotto and bimi broccoli 29.50
4) Rib-eye steak on creamy savoy cabbage with roast potatoes and rosemary jus 31.50
5) Fried char fillet "meunière" with boiled potatoes and spinach 44.00
6) Venison ragout with glazed chestnuts, Brussels sprouts, red cabbage and buttered spaetzli 46.00

Please ask our staff about ingredients in our dishes that may cause allergies or intolerances.

Meat declaration: Rib-eye: CH; Venison: CH
Fish declaration: Tuna: Pacific Ocean; Golden perch: GRC; Arctic char: Fischzucht Spielhofer Fisch

We serve our à la carte menu to groups of up to 9 people. For larger groups, please contact us - we offer various interesting options.

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